Your Struggling

Child Needs


Hey Christian Mama, your struggling child doesn't

 need more medication or therapy... they need YOU! 



Certified Life Coach

Start feeling better by learning to manage your emotions from the inside out.

8 Years of Coaching

I have over 8 years of coaching experience in both women and moms, and also small business and mindset skills.

Massive Ex-Worrier

I know from experience how to move from massive anxiety and excessive worry to peace and ease. 

Is your child struggling?

Are they child withdrawn, rude, mean, grumpy, clingy, blaming or playing the victim? 

Join the party!  Today's kids have it 1000% harder than what we ever did.   Which is why we have to show up completely different than our moms did.  Tough love doesn't work anymore.  Believe me, I've failed at it more than once.

And yet, my kids have still learned to be responsible, happy and confident.

As we learn to how to show up for our kids in a way where they feel seen, heard, and loved, they naturally start feeling better, show up more confident and being more responsible.

But there are tools to learn.  And I'm more than happy to teach you how!

Help Your Kid be Happier

Welcome friend - I''m Amy!


I'm thrilled you're here.

As a mom of 6, I know how frustrating it is when our kids aren't thriving.

But there is hope.

I've seen that there is still so much we can do to influence our child's mental health for the better.

As a certified faith-based life coach, I've helped not only my own kids to feel better, but also many clients learn how to reconnect and be able to help their child through their tough emotions by giving their kids more connection and love.

And the magic happens when we learn how to show them how to FEEL loved, and still teach them responsibility.

I am passionate about teaching moms how to re-connect with their child so that they can have more influence and impact.

Help your child...



manage emotions



live in a higher state



trust themself more

Experience Peace

trust in God more


Start creating an incredibly connected relationship,  

one step at a time...

Change your heart

When we change, they change.

Our children need our connection and nurturing now more than ever!

Change your words

What we say matters.

Our kids long for our approval and support, even if it feels like they can't stand us.

Change your timing

There's a right and a wrong time.

If your child is feeling off and we try to correct them, it can lead to more discontent.


Happiness is Possible

And it all starts with connection.

At the bottom of every mental illness is the belief that "I'm not good enough".

And so it would seem to just turn that around, all we need to do is tell our kids how awesome they are.

You and I have both tried that, and it's not quite worked... am I right?

But what if you could learn the real way to connect to our kids so that they become more open, more responsive, and are even more talkative?

Our children FEEL us more than they HEAR us.

That's exactly why learning to connect with them is the best way to help them heal and make better choices.

Let's Connect! 

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